#1 Don't
If you're like most people the only time you may see the inner layer of your lip is during teeth brushing. Who is this tattoo for? Her dentist? Also, why Hello Kitty? Did she once save you from the wrath of gingivitis or what?

#2 Do
The beautiful, vibrant colors have us sold but the details are unbelievable. This would be so fitting for a painter, tattoo artist or anyone who works with paints and inks. It would look good on a man or a woman and it probably looks stunning on the different skin tones.

#3 Don't
Face tattoos generally take nice features to pull off and this guy probably could have gotten away with that star because of his. Too bad he couldn't just grow a mustache instead of that awful ink though. Shoot, a fake mustache would look better. At this point, even a lock of hair super-glued to his face would have looked classier! We bet his family isn't thrilled about the way he decided to carry on this tradition...

#4 Do
First she gets props for spending that much time, money and pain on this tattoo. Second, it could carry great symbolism and irony regarding the painful things we do for beauty.Lastly, it is really pretty. The wearer of this ink should be very proud and so should her tattoo artist.

#5 Don't
Sorry, we probably should have warned you that was coming. Imagine what poor Lea and Lara must think of this grotesque tattoo. As a general rule, getting tattoos of your loved ones names is a do. Getting tattoos of their faces is a big, creepy, awkward DON'T!

#6 Do
The text of the tattoo says "vulnerant omnes ultima necat" which means "all wound, the last kills" in reference to the hours. It was the inscription placed on solar clocks. The tattoo clearly serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death and we bet it helps this guy remember to live every day to the fullest. While we think this one would probably make a better shirt, it's just too cool to be a "don't."

#7 Don't
Girl, please tell us this was a drunken mistake. Why is it so big? Why is it on your leg? What does it look like when you're wearing a skirt or shorts that are above the knee? Do people ask if those are Pokeballs? So many questions!

#8 Do
This is seriously one of the trippiest things that's ever happened. It looks like the leg is completely hollow, like the leg of a cyborg or something. If you can track down a tattoo artist that can make something like this happen, DO IT!

#9 Don't
In theory this is cool. Who doesn't love Futurama? And surely no tattoo from that show would be complete without Fry but where are Bender and Leela? Unless you're only a fan of the episode "Future Stock" from the third season, it's kind of dumb to get an episode-themed tattoo like this.

#10 Do
Who can't use a little inspiration here and there? A tattoo that is done in your own handwriting gets major points but even more if it's done tastefully. What could be more personal than this little reminder? Definitely a do!

#11 Don't
We're all for tattoos of our favorite literary and film characters but this is a little much. It's way too big and with the placement and color, it looks more like a serious skin wound than a tattoo. It also sort of looks like the Cheshire Cat has got layers of razor sharp teeth like a shark and who wants to think of him like that?

#12 Do
A Peter Pan tattoo that involves one of the most memorable scenes from the story? You'd best believe this is a 'do'! Extra points for the perfect silhouettes and placement. It's like they're flying right into her imagination!

#13 Don't
Ladies, the shoulder branches are overdone and feel really uninspired. Seriously, where is this supposed to be growing out of? Your spine? Unless you're the daughter of Tim Burton, this is not a look that will work for you.

#14 Do
This is a really cute idea for a seamstress or someone who loves to sew crafts together. For anyone else, it would naturally be a "don't" but she get more points because of the originality! Whoever she is, she is rocking this tattoo.

#15 Don't
DON'T DO IT! This is literally the creepiest tattoo we've ever seen. People on the street probably yell "my eyes! in horror every time they have to walk behind this and we hope she doesn't think of that as a compliment. Though we can't help but wonder, is this a tattoo modeled after her eye or someone else's? Does it make it creepier if she actually has brown eyes?

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